Planned Maintenance - Patch Tuesday: ELD Host 12.11 Deployment


Planned Maintenance - Patch Tuesday: ELD Host 12.11 Deployment

Status: Closed
Duration: 1 hour
Affected Components:
Mobile Applications ELD Application Device Communications PeopleNet Fleet Manager Trimble Fleet Manager Wireless Network Communications Integration Services - Open Interface & M2M Brokers Value Added Services Support Services Video Intelligence (VI) Supply Chain Insights TTC - Data Services Instinct Vusion ttc-coremessagingeventreceiverapiv2 PMG GSM Network - (Mexico and Canada Only) ConnectedDriver Driver Safety Service Connected Driver Companion Application GPS Location Breadcrumbs Video Intelligence Portal PeopleNet Integration Link Vusion Portal FTP Submissions Video Intelligence Portal Smart Delivery Global SKU Trimble App Manager (TAM) - EU Based Trimble Inspections Management Portal (Covers all other Commercial Features) ttc-coremessagingeventreceiverconfigurationv1 PMG LTE Network Telogis/Navigo Driver Retention Service Instinct (Core Applications) Android Logins and Logouts 1-minute Breadcrumbs Electronic Driver logs - Tab EDriver Logs Functionality OneNeck Onboard Event Recorder (OER) ttc-coremessagingloadtendercreatorv1 Open Interface PCG/Duo LTE Network Pegasus TransTech/Scanning Video Intelligence (VI) Hardware Vehicle Health Service Trimble App Manager (TAM) - US based Data File Transfer Service Device Installations Electronic Driver Logs PFM System Emailer Netsuite Video Intelligence Fleet Portal Access (TFM & PFM) ttc-coremessagingshipmentstatuscreatorv1 BLOBs to Vehicle (OI) Satellite Communications Speed Gauge Engage Lane Mobile Originated PCG/Duo (Outbound messaging from the device to the back office) Driver Workflow Duty Status PeopleNet Fleet Manager Portal Salesforce ttc-coremessagingloadtenderresponsetransformerv1 Integration Messages to Trucks (OI) Drivewyze Dispatch Advisor Service Mobile Terminated PCG/Duo (Inbound messaging from the back office to the device) Driver Media (My Media) ELD DVIR Support Phone System Video Intelligence Portal CX Support Tool Trimble Fleet Map - 1minute Breadcrumb Trail ttc-integrationsloadmatchbridgeservicev1 Location Overview (OI) Velocity eDVIR TTC Dispatch Advisor Service Mobile Originated PMG (Outbound messaging from the device to the back office) ELD Tab Vehicle Device Messaging installation Tools - Install Validation Reporting System ttc-transformationtransformappservicev1 GPS Location History - Based on Last Service Call (OI) TTC Settings API Mobile Terminated PMG (Inbound messaging from the back office to the device) Device Location Updates Device Logins Reporting Data Automated Work Flow (AWF) Dispatch Events to Trucks (OI) Mobile Originated Trimble Gateway (TG) (Outbound messaging from the device to the back office) Smart Delivery Personnel Management Automated Work Flow (AWF) Dispatch Events From Trucks (OI) Mobile Terminated Trimble Gateway (TG) (Inbound messaging from the back office to the device) Driver Logs Data (OI) Video Intelligence Portal M2M Services: Cycle Time Availability M2M Services: Data Delivery M2M Services: M2M Broker

Maintenance Statement: We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we work to improve our service.

We will be conducting scheduled maintenance to implement several important fixes to enhance the performance and accuracy of our system. The updates include the following enhancements.


  • Updating the Driver Log Resources (Header) section to display the correct vehicle.
  • Addressing an issue where the total hours in work shift/cycle and hours remaining in the cycle were incorrectly displayed as 0/- on days the driver worked multiple shifts.
  • Addressing an issue where mobile logout/off events were not properly recorded and saved to the back-office.
  • Ensuring that data files submitted from mobile do not incorrectly include unidentified driver events for vehicles other than the vehicle currently being used.


The maintenance event is scheduled for Tuesday, August 27th, from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM Central.

Impact Statement:

There will be minimal impact during this maintenance period. We will spin up the new services and ensure they are working correctly before turning off the old ones. Communications may slow down for a minute or two before catching right back up to normal performance.


Dear Customer,

Planned Maintenance Affecting Service(s): ELD Application, Device Communications, PeopleNet Fleet Manager, Trimble Fleet Manager, Wireless Network Communications, Integration Services - Open Interface & M2M Brokers, Value Added Services, Support Services, Video Intelligence (VI), Supply Chain Insights, TTC - Data Services, Instinct, Vusion , Mobile Applications

Please be advised that the previously notified Planned Maintenance has been completed successfully.